Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO: What You Need to Know

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By Ahmad Ghayad

Source: jcomp | Freepik

E-commerce SEO is the process of optimizing an online store for search engines. This involves ensuring your website is well-structured, easy to navigate, and contains relevant keywords. Following good SEO practices can improve your website’s ranking in search results, leading to more organic traffic and sales.

According to Artisan Analytics, Organic search often sends about 30-40% of a shop’s total traffic. This means that if you want to grow your e-commerce business, SEO is essential.

Several factors affect your website’s SEO ranking; let’s go through them;

Keyword Research

Most people agree that keyword research is the most essential SEO approach. The initial step can make or break a website. This process involves discovering the keywords and phrases potential customers use to search for products, services, and information on search engines. Businesses may improve search engine rankings by recognizing these terms and tailoring their online content to user needs.

Businesses can use different tools to find high-traffic keywords related to their products or services. They can use tools like Google AdWords, Ubersuggest, and Google’s Keyword Tool, which are all very useful. These tools give businesses information about the number of searches, the level of competition, and similar keywords; utilizing all this, one can improve their search results by using popular keywords with low competition.

A thorough keyword investigation is even more vital when considering how people behave. Many studies suggest that 75% of individuals rarely go past the first page of search results. This percentage demonstrates how crucial it is to rank on the first page, which increases exposure. Strategic keyword use increases organic traffic and visibility, which converts visitors into buyers.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is crucial to a solid online presence. It optimizes product pages for people and search engines. This strategy involves carefully aligning material with keywords. This simplifies product discovery for customers. Using keywords in the title, meta description, and meta tags improves search results.

But keeping a careful balance is very important. Even though using keywords is essential, stuffing material with too many keywords can hurt it. Google’s algorithms have changed over time to favor material that is easy to use and helpful. Finding a good mix between using keywords and writing proper, coherent content is crucial if you want to stay in the good graces of search engine algorithms, which is good for a website’s ranking.

A study about how people use the internet shows how crucial organic search results are. The data shows that 70–80% of the people who use search engines tend to ignore paid ads and go straight to the organic results. This shows how important it is to write product descriptions that are unique, interesting, and focused on the wants and interests of potential customers.

Page Speed

The desire for a pleasant online experience has enhanced the relevance of quick website loading speeds for visitors and search engines. User behavior and search engine rankings depend on speed. Page load times significantly affect user engagement, with data finding that a one-second wait can lower sales by 7%. This data shows how website speed affects an organization’s success.

There are many ways in which the speed at which a website loads affects user activity. Visitors become frustrated and leave when a website takes too long to load. Because of this, not only does the bounce rate rise, but so does the possibility of conversions and the loss of existing customers. Optimized page loads are pivotal because search engines care about how users feel and put website speed at the top of their list.

The speed of a website has a significant effect on how it ranks in search results. Slower sites tend to rank lower on search engines like Google. Slow loading can reduce visibility and turn people away; therefore, businesses need to optimize with image compression, browser caching, and code reduction to improve their results and the user experience.

Mobile Optimization

The rising popularity of mobile devices in today’s digital world has brought into sharp focus the vital importance of mobile optimization. With about 53% of all web traffic coming from mobile devices, companies must ensure their sites are mobile-friendly. This trend shows a significant change in how people act, so e-commerce sites need to change to meet the wants and expectations of mobile users.

Because mobile devices are so popular as a way to get online, it’s clear how important it is to create smooth mobile experiences. Mobile optimization ensures that websites are flexible, easy to use, and look good. A bad mobile experience can cause high bounce rates and fewer sales, hurting a business’s income. Users now expect mobile devices to be as easy to use and look as desktops.

Google’s move to mobile-first indexing makes mobile optimization even more critical regarding search engine results. With mobile-first indexing, Google uses the mobile form of a website’s content to index and rank it most of the time. E-commerce sites that are easy to use on mobile devices tend to rank better in search engines, which aligns with Google’s user-focused results.

High-Quality pictures

E-commerce visual attractiveness is crucial to attracting and converting customers. Quality product photos affect client engagement as well as appearance. About 75% of online shoppers say product photos are the most important factor in buying decisions. Because there are so many options online, it’s crucial to have strong visual representations of products to build trust, show worth, and get people interested.

But product pictures have an effect beyond getting the user’s attention immediately. By optimizing these images with descriptive alt text, you’re meeting an essential need: giving search engines access to visual information. Search engines use text to figure out what a picture is, so descriptive alt text helps them understand, making image searches and SEO better.

Optimizing images with descriptive alt text makes them more visible in image searches, so companies can take advantage of how users look at products. This gives people another way to find products and makes it easier for them to see you in image-based search results.

User Experience (UX)

The relationship between sales and search engine optimization (SEO) is interesting, but user experience (UX) is crucial. Many studies have shown how essential user experiences are for online success. Surprisingly, 88% of online shoppers won’t return to a site after a bad experience. This number shows how crucial user-centered design and functionality are for building a loyal customer base and a good image online.

Good user experience depends on consumer and search engine priorities. A website’s navigation system should be straightforward so users can quickly browse, discover what they need, and engage with content. This makes users happy and lowers their exit rate, indicating they benefit from their exchanges. Search engines enjoy these positive indicators and can boost your results.

The best way to describe how user experience and SEO work together is with the idea of a “search engine score.” When judging websites, search engines like Google look at how people use them. The search engine score of a website can go up if people spend more time on the site, don’t leave as quickly, and convert at a higher rate. This number, in turn, affects search rankings, so websites focusing on their users will show up higher in search results.

User Reviews and Ratings

Content made by users, like reviews and ratings, has a massive impact on people who might buy something. In fact, 93% of people say that internet reviews affect their decisions about what to buy. Encourage customers to leave reviews to build your site’s reputation and make it more likely that people will find your site on their own and improve its SEO.

Secure Website (SSL): Website security is critical to making online customers trust you. A shocking 85% of online shoppers won’t buy from sites that aren’t safe, so an SSL certificate is essential. Google also uses HTTPS as a ranking factor, which shows how important it is to secure your e-commerce store if you want search engines to like it.

Using the power of social proof also makes user-generated material more robust. Putting up real-time alerts about recent sales or showing how many people are currently looking at a product can make it feel urgent and real. This plays into the psychological phenomenon of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and reinforces the idea that other people find value in the goods. This social validation not only makes buyers feel more confident, but it could also increase user involvement and sales.

Material Creation

When you create content that naturally combines benefit and information, you establish your business as an authority in its niche and build trust and connection with your audience. Sharing knowledge builds credibility, customer trust, and customer resonance. Consistent content that talks about pain points, solutions, and unique views makes a business a trusted resource in its industry.

In this situation, the fact that a blog can significantly increase website traffic shows how important it is to keep one up. Businesses that regularly update blogs get 55% more website visitors, which shows the importance of quality and updated material. Comprehensive guides, how-to pieces, and insightful blog posts bring organic traffic from people seeking answers and information.

The link between user engagement and search engine ranking shows the importance of collecting valuable information from various sources. Businesses can get loyal readers by answering user’s questions and meeting their wants, which is also what search engines like to see. As algorithms change to favor user-centered content, blogs with tips, how-tos, and other helpful information become more important.

Building Backlinks

High-quality backlinks from reputable websites boost SEO and site reputation. Backlinks are like digital recommendations since they show that trustworthy sources value your content. This recommendation increases a website’s visibility and credibility. Backlinks still affect rankings. The top 99.2% of websites have at least one external connection.

Building a network of credible backlinks affects search engine rankings and website user experience. These links tell search engines that your website has good content that trustworthy sources recommend connecting to. This endorsement is crucial to search algorithms and boosts page rankings. Links to your site from well-known sites increase credibility and encourage readers to read your material.

Establishing connections with trustworthy business websites is a smart way to gain backlinks. Collaboration with well-known companies increases your website’s credibility and provides doors to good content partnerships. Sharing important insights, writing guest posts, or working with authority websites can quickly generate backlinks from real, meaningful connections.


Organization and structure are crucial to helping search engines identify a website. A well-organized website design makes it easier and more accessible for search engines to index. An easy-to-use and logical layout has been demonstrated to minimize “bounce rate” and increase “average time on site,” which helps a site rank higher in search engines. Well-structured websites and search engine algorithms provide helpful information.

Search engines are set up to give more weight to websites that are easy to use and offer a smooth viewing experience. A well-organized website follows these rules, which makes it easy for users to find the information, goods, or services they want. This focus on the user makes sense to search engines, which use metrics like bounce rates and time spent on site to determine how valuable and relevant a website is.

A well-organized directory design helps search engine bots understand a website’s information. Clear hierarchy and categorization enable search engines to identify how pages and content segments relate. This simplifies indexing and displaying relevant search results. A well-organized directory and search algorithms share and rank information.

Social Media Sharing

Sharing content on social media doesn’t directly affect search engine optimization (SEO), but there’s no denying that it helps raise awareness and visibility. Social media is a flexible platform that helps businesses reach more people, connect with their audience, and build brand loyalty. A study backs this up by showing that 71% of customers are likelier to tell others about a positive business experience when they find it on social media.

The idea of engagement is at the heart of the link between social media and company recognition. Businesses can start conversations, make connections, and leave a lasting impression on their audience by actively interacting with users through helpful content. When customers have positive interactions on social media, they become brand advocates and share their experiences with their networks. This helps the brand’s impact and image.

The effects of social media go beyond the interactions that happen right away. They have a ripple effect that goes beyond the limits of each platform. Sharing engaging content on social media can lead to interactions, like shares, retweets, comments, and links on other sites. This makes your brand more visible on more online platforms.


A sitemap ensures search engines crawl and index your e-commerce website’s essential parts. It shows the layout of your site clearly and helps search engines find and understand the order of your content. While XML sitemaps are primarily made for search engines, HTML sitemaps make it easier for users to find their way around a website.

You can use automatic tools like Google’s Webmaster Tools, which can make XML sitemaps, to make a sitemap. You can also consider using third-party tools like Lucidchart Sitemap Generator or Powermapper to create XML and HTML sitemaps.

Your sitemap should include your e-commerce site’s categories, subcategories, product pages, blog posts, videos, pictures, and other important content. Making a detailed sitemap makes it easier for search engine bots to crawl and process your content, which helps your site show up higher in search results.

Simplify for Sharing

Even though the direct effect of social sharing on SEO is still being discussed, there’s no doubt that it positively impacts business exposure, user engagement, and user interaction. By making it easy for people to share on your e-commerce site, you can get them to share your content on different social media sites, spreading your brand’s reach and name recognition.

Mentions and shares on social media help SEO in an indirect way by increasing organic traffic, improving local SEO, and creating valuable backlinks. Using different tools and content marketing tactics to make social sharing easier can lead to a 45% increase in brand recognition and a 37% increase in engagement rate. This shows strategic social media management is essential for driving online exposure and audience engagement.

Remember that social sharing might not be a straight ranking factor. Still, it does help your SEO strategy as a whole by giving potential customers more ways to interact with your brand online and giving your brand a more substantial online presence.

Get an SSL Certificate

Getting an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate for your e-commerce site is not only crucial for protecting customer data, but it also helps your SEO. “https://” in front of the URL shows that a website has an SSL certificate, which makes the link between the user’s browser and the web server safe.

Google uses a website’s security as a ranking factor, and having an SSL certificate can make search engines and users more likely to trust your site. It’s vital for e-commerce sites that handle private customer information like payment details and personal information.

Adding an SSL certificate to a website makes it safer, builds customer trust, and could improve its search engine score; 84% of online shoppers are likely to abandon a website if they feel insecure or data is being sent over an insecure connection. This encryption layer protects the accuracy of data and makes browsing safer.

Improve the Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are vital to getting people to click from search engine results pages to your e-commerce site. Even if they don’t affect your results directly, well-written meta descriptions can significantly increase your click-through rates (CTRs), indirectly affecting your SEO performance.

Try to be clear and relevant when writing meta summaries. Use intriguing ways to describe the benefits of your goods or services, and consider adding relevant keywords to grab the user’s attention. Add words like “buy online” or “shop now” to e-commerce sites to make people feel they need to act quickly and get them to click.

Strategic meta-description optimization makes search results more visible and encourages people to click on them, which could lead to more organic traffic and higher rankings in search engines. A study showed that well-written meta descriptions can improve click-through rates by 5.8%, which shows how important they are for getting more people to visit and interact with a website.

301 Redirects

As an e-commerce store, your stock may change over time, with some products becoming obsolete or being taken off the market. When this happens, it’s essential to handle the change well so that SEO value and user experience aren’t lost.

Setting up 301 links for product pages that have ended or are no longer available is essential. These redirects tell search engines that the move is final, which keeps SEO value and backlinks. A study found that if you use 301 redirects correctly, you can get back up to 99% of the ranking power of the original page. This shows their usefulness for keeping your online image and SEO strong.

By sending users and search engines to younger or alternative product pages, you make browsing easier and ensure users don’t end up on pages that don’t go anywhere. Also, the authority of the page that was moved can help the SEO success of the new page.

Improve Category Pages

You need category pages if you want to organize and showcase your products nicely on your e-commerce site. If you treat category-based pages as their home pages, you can optimize them for specific terms, which will help them rank higher in search results.

According to a report by Ahrefs, about 90.63 percent of all traffic for a given keyword goes to the top 10 search results on Google. Using relevant keywords to optimize your category pages strategically can improve your chances of ranking higher and getting a significant share of the search traffic for those terms.

To find high-performing keywords, it is essential to do a keyword study. To improve category page SEO, use these keywords naturally in titles, headings, and text. This alignment makes sure that your goods show up in search results for queries that are related to them.

Implement Category-Based Navigation

User experience and search engine optimization are both dependent on effective routing. When you add category-level navigation to your e-commerce website, you make it simpler for both visitors and the bots that search engines employ to navigate and examine the content of your website.

Category-level navigation ensures that critical sections of your website, such as the main menu or sidebar, feature direct links to various product groups. This approach simplifies the process for users to locate what they’re seeking. In fact, it is seen that 70% of online shoppers use the main menu to navigate a website.

Your website’s most important areas, such as the main menu and the sidebar, will always have direct links to the different product categories if you use navigation at the category level. Users will have an easier time locating what they are looking for with the assistance of this method.


Every click, impression, and interaction counts in the fast-paced world of e-commerce. As we wrap up our stroll through the details of e-commerce SEO, it’s clear that success depends on many different things, from smart keyword research to smooth user experiences, high-quality visuals to backlink building, and mobile optimization to safe browsing. Well, good for you because we have you covered with all this at Efficient Agency. We don’t just scratch the surface; we get into the details that will take your online business to the next level.

With our years of experience and dedication to doing our best, we’ve cracked the code of e-commerce efficiency. Your website is more than just a place to share information. It’s also your digital storefront, your brand’s voice, and a way to reach people worldwide. Our all-encompassing method is based on data-driven strategies and is tailored to your specific goals. This makes sure that every part works together to bring about real results.

Now that you know and understand more, it’s time to take action. Don’t let your online business get lost in the internet. Let us help you navigate the confusing world of algorithms, trends, and user demands. Make your e-commerce store a place where customers interact, buy, and your business grows. Efficient Marketing Agency is your link to the future, which is already here. Contact us today today to get started on the path to e-commerce success!